

Plasma Membrane - Fluid Mosaic Model

Structure and Functions of Cell Membrane


Cell membrane also called plasma membrane or Biomembrane.

Bio membrane separates the interior of the cell from the outside environment of cell.

The Biomembrane consists of a Phosphate lipid bilayer that is semi-permeable.

The cell membrane regulates the transport of materials entering into the cell and exiting the cell.


Introduction - Plasma membrane

1. Cell membrane is a dynamic, quasi- fluid. It is protective thin film like partition which separates inside and outside the cytoplasm of the cell.

2. Thickness of cell membrane visible only under electron microscope is about 70-100 Ã…, Plasma membranes thickness range from 5–10 nm.

3. Prokaryotic cells don’t have internal membranous partition. They have only extracellular membrane.

4. In Eukaryotes cell inside the cytoplasm, cell membrane covers various cell organelles like nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum mitochondria, lysosomes, , golgibodies etc.

5. Both extracellular and intracellular membrane of the cell referred term as bio-membranes or biological membranes.

6. In prokaryotic cell, cell membrane bears respiratory enzyme. Respiratory enzymes are located on plasma membrane.

7.  Eukaryotic cell, cell membrane lacks respiratory enzyme.

8. In Eukaryotic cell membrane lacks the respiratory chain activity.

9. In Eukaryotic cell membrane lacks the glycolytic activity.

8. Chemically cell membrane primarily composed of –

a. Proteins; 60-75%

b. Lipids; 20-40%

c. Carbohydrates; 1-5%


9. Cell membrane are renewed, formed, deformed, folded and extended.


Cell Membrane Proteins

Proteins embedded within the phospholipid bilayer. Proteins are form major portion of Biological membrane-


1. Structural proteins

2. Carrier proteins

3. Enzyme


1. Structural Proteins

1. Structural proteins are Lipophilic; fat friendly.

2.  Structural proteins form the backbone of cell membrane and,

3. Structural proteins provide to plasma membrane elasticity and mechanical stability


2. Carrier Proteins

Carrier Proteins transport materials against concentration gradients means from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration.

Carrier Proteins transport materials by active process

During active transport, the flow of substances moves against the concentration gradient.


Types of protein in Plasma Membrane

Based on protein location in plasma membrane, membrane  proteins are differentiated into two main groups-


1. Extrinsic proteins or peripheral proteins

2. Intrinsic proteins or Integral proteins


1. Extrinsic Proteins or Peripheral


1. Extrinsic proteins are peripheral proteins

2. It present on outer and inner surface of phospholipid bilayer

3. It serves in transport of molecule and as receptor for hormone

4. It involve in cell recognition

5. Peripheral protein permits interaction with surrounding and with polar surface of lipid.

6. Peripheral proteins are loosely associated with polar heads of lipid molecule.


2. Intrinsic proteins or Integral


1. Intrinsic proteins are integral proteins

2. Integral proteins penetrate partially or wholly with their polar head from surface of membrane

3. Intrinsic membrane proteins have amino acids with non polar side chains and are attached either to glycoproteins or to phospholipids


3. Enzymes

Enzymes are catalytic proteins which regulate cell activities.


3. Lipids


 Important Bio membrane lipids are-

a. Phospholipids

b. Sterol, Cholesterol

c. Glycolipids

d. Sphingolipids

e. Cerebrosides


1.  Lipids form structure framework and fluid membrane

2. Lipid form permeable barrier to ions and polar molecules

3. Membrane lipids are both hydrophilic and hydrophobic ends referred as Amphipathic molecules.

Hydrophilic polar ends - Water loving in form of phosphate head and directed towards the outside.

Hydrophobic non-polar ends - Water repelling contains two tails of fatty acids which usually occur towards centre, inner side of membrane.


The polar (Hydrophilic) portion consists of a phosphate group and glycerol, while the nonpolar (Hydrophobic) portion consists of fatty acids.

4. Carbohydrates presents in the cell membrane are Oligosaccharides, example; Hexose

Carbohydrates inform of two combinations, confined the external surface –

a. Glycolipids – Carbohydrate attached to lipids

b. Glycoproteins- Carbohydrate attached to proteins


Structure of Cell Membrane

Fluid Mosaic Model

Fluid Mosaic Model given to explain the molecular structure of cell membrane.

The Fluid Mosaic Model of Biological membrane Proposed by Singer and Nicolson in 1972.


Principle Components of Structure of Fluid Mosaic Model


a. Phospholipids

b. Cholesterol

c. Proteins

d. Carbohydrate


1. According to fluid mosaic model, cell membrane are quasified structure; partially fluid or partially solid, in which lipids and proteins are arranged in a mosaic manner.

2. Intrinsic proteins are arranged in mosaic manner instead of rigid structure.

3. Lipid molecule arrange in two layer and protein molecules embedded among lipid molecule.

4. There is lipid bilayer in which protein molecules are embedded.


5. Lipid bilayer gives Cell membrane fluidity (CMF; substance to flow easily and elasticity to membrane.



6. Globular Proteins

Globular proteins are spherical shape or globe shaped.

Fluid mosaic model describe the cell membrane as “protein icebergs in the sea of phospholipids”. Proteins are able to move within lipids bilayers.


Globular proteins are two types –


1. Extrinsic or peripheral membrane protein

2. Intrinsic, integral membrane protein


Integral Membrane Proteins


Tunnel protein

Tunnel protein are intrinsic protein, it embedded within phospholipid bilayer. Tunnel proteins are very large molecule lie throughout phospholipids matrix.

Tunnel proteins project on both structure and have channels for passage of water soluble material.


Carrier protein

Carrier protein  are intrinsic protein, embedded within phospholipid bilayer. It transport both water soluble and insoluble material by active transport.

During active transport, substances move against the concentration gradient means from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration. This process called “active” because it requires the use of energy (usually in the form of ATP). 


Peripheral Proteins


It lies on the inner or outer surface of phospholipids bilayer.


7. Carbohydrate

Generally attached to the outside of membrane layer

8. Cholesterol

 Attach between two phospholipids bilayer

a. Phosphate head – polar, hydrophilic

b. Fatty acid tails - non-polar, hydrophobic


9. Phospholipids molecule

Phospholipids molecules composed of amphipathic i.e Hydrophilic, Hydrophobic nature.

1. Hydrophilic – water loving areas of those molecules are in contact with aquous fluid both inside and outside of cell, tend to be polar.

2. Hydrophobic – water repelling molecules, tend to be non – polar.


Fluid mosaic model explains dynamic and functional nature of membrane.

Cell membranes expand and contract during cell movement and during change in shape.

Cell membrane grows with growth of cell and sub- cellular organelles.


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Functions of Cell Membrane/ Bio Membrane

Key functions of Bio Membrane are -


1. Compartmentalization

2. Selectively permeable

3. Protect cell from injury

4. Have carrier protein for active transport

5. Bound semi fluid content of cell

6. Provide organic connection between adjacent cell

7. Help in movement of material

8. Ability to recognized antigen

9. Hormone receptor

10. Endocytosis and Exocytosis function

11. Responsible for communication with environment

12. Responsible forming connection between cell

13. Responsible for controlling biochemical reaction

14.  Responsible for selectively exchange substance


1. Compartmentalization

 Main functions of bio membrane is compartmentalization.

2. Protect from cell injury

Plasma membrane protects the cell from injury

3. Bounds semi fluids content

Plasma membrane founds semi-fluids content of cell.

4. Selectively permeability

Plasma membrane are selectively permeable. They allow only selected substances to enter or leave the cell.

5.  Flow of material

 It helps to regulating the flow of materials into and out of the cell.

6. Organic connection

 Bio membrane provides organic connection between adjacent cells.

7. Determine Antigen specificity

Substance attach to cell membrane surface determine antigen specificity.

8.  Active Transport

Cell membrane has carrier protein for active transport

9. Endocytosis

Plasma membrane infolds are used for intake of material, substance brought into cell.

Used for intake of materials, substance brought into cell by plasma membrane.

10. Exocytosis

Plasma membrane are used for transport molecule out of cell  such as secretory, excretory and waste product are thrown out of cells.

11. Helps in cell movement 

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