

methods of enteral feeding

Methods of enteral nutrition (EN) administration;

1. Blous feeding technique 

2. Continuous feeding technique 

3. Intermittent feeding technique 

4. Cyclic technique 

1.Bolus Feeding Method 

Bolus feeding method is feeding technique over a short time.

The bolus method is a type of feeding where a syringe is used to send formula through feeding tube by syringe over 5–10 minutes specific times and not use of a feeding pump.

2. Continuous Feeding

Continuous feeding method of feeding technique in which feed run continuously over 24 hours at slow rate.

Continuous feeding is defined as delivering enteral nutrition with constant speed for 24 h/day via nutritional pump.

3.Intermittent Feeding 

Intermittent feeding is most often provided 4–6 times/day and given over a period of 20–60 min, usually via with or without feeding pump.

4. Cyclic Feeding

Feed administered via for feeding pump <24h/day.

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