

Types of Infusion Pump

 Infusion pump is a medical device used to deliver fluids into a patient's body in a controlled manner. This device is used to infuses fluids, medication or nutrient into patient's body in prescribed infusion rate.

The infusion pump device design to infuse large or small quantities of nutrients and medications. The medications infusing are antibiotics, insulin, hormones, chemotherapy drugs, and pain relievers.

Types of Infusion Pump

A number of commonly used infusion pumps are designed for specialized purposes. These include;

According to principles of working;

1. Large volume Infusion pump

Used to inject large amounts of liquid into the patient's body. 

used to provide nutrition to the patient.

2. Small Volume Infusion Pumps

Syringe Pumps

deliver low medication volumes for medication required in small quantities, such as hormones.

push the medication through the syringe into the tube that is delivered to the patient over longer period of time.

Syringe Pump Continuous-infusion pumps infuse a constant volume of medication at a predetermined rate. This type of infusion pump  contains a syringe to control medication delivery.

This type of infusion pump is used to infuse the medication such as vasopressor drugs, depressor drugs, anti-coagulants, anesthetic drugs, anti-cancer drugs, nutrition, drug for chemotherapy medication.

3. Insulin pump

A pump typically used to deliver insulin to patients with diabetes.

4. Enteral pump

Enteral infusion pumps are pumps that are used for enteral nutrition. 

5. Patient controlled analgesia (PCA) pump

 A pump used to deliver pain medication, which is equipped with a feature that allows patients to self-administer a controlled amount of medication, as needed.

6. Ambulatory pump/portable Infusion pump

Designed to be portable or wearable.

7. Smart pump

alert is activated when there is a risk of an excess drug administration.

8. Elastomeric pump

fluid is held in a stretchable balloon reservoir, and pressure from the elastic walls of the balloon drives fluid delivery.

9. Volumetric Infusion Pump

This device is used for large amount of medication being delivered.

They’re capable of providing consistent, continuous delivery of fluids into a patient’s body in very specific amounts, and they can operate at variable rates, from very slow delivery to very fast delivery for the most urgent situations.

These types of infusion pumps are used to administer parenteral and enteral solutions intermittently or continuously through typical medical access channels. Medical access channels can be Intravenous, intra-arterial, subcutaneous, epidural, and enteral entry methods.

10. IV pump

Medication is delivered to a patient through an IV infusion pump, which is also known as an intravenous (IV) pump or IV infusion machine.  These Pumps are used to that infuse large volumes of nutrients and medications. 

IV pumps can help prevent fluid overload by restricting the volume of fluid administered.

11. Feeding infusion pump

Peristaltic pump;

Enteral feeding and hydration are the primary functions of a feeding pump. Nourishment and hydration fluids to patients via a feeding tube and that is connected to a feeding bag.

This type of infusion pump is used to administer a volume of nutrients to a patient at a predetermined flow rate.

A feeding pump is designed to administrate fluids through a trans-nasal or percutaneous feeding tube.

According to usage 

1. Stationary Infusion pump

Device typically set up bedside to infuse fluids and medications into a patient.

2. Ambulatory infusion pump

12. Multi channel infusion pump

Multi-channel infusion pump features parameters can set to meet patient needs.

13. Multi channel syringe pump

Multi-channel syringe pump designed for multiple probe liquid handling applications.

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