

10 Rights of Drug Administration - Medication Rights

Safe Medication Administration


The administration of medicine is a clinical procedure.  Nurses are primarily responsible for the administration of medication safely. Rights of Drug Administration aid to guide them, and prevent degrees of risk in medication errors.


10 Right's for Safe Medication Administration


These are - 

Rights of Drug Administration

1. Right Patient

2. Right Drug

3. Right Dosage

4. Right Route

5. Right Time

6. Right Documentation

7. Right to Refuse

8. Right Education

9. Right Assessment

10. Right Evaluation


1. Right Patient

Nurses have to make sure that the name of the patient is correct before giving the medication.

Check the Patient's name, Patient’s ID, Patient’s Diagnose to confirm the right patient before giving the medication.

2. Right Drug


 1. Check and verify drug name and the prescription order

 2.  Misreading medication names that look similar is a common mistake, so check the drug at least twice before giving it.

 3. Check the Medication Label

 4. Check the Drug salt composition and expiry date

 5. Never leave a drug at the patient bedside


3. Right Dosage


1. Check the Medication sheet and Doctors order before medication.

2. Double check the drug Dose must be aware of the difference between adult and pediatric doses.

3. Check the Order dose, available dose, expiry date, chemical nature 


4.  Right Route


1. Determine giving the medication by the correct route

2. Check the Medication order; it is prescribed routes of drug administration like Oral, IV, SQ, IM, etc. route.

Check out here routes of drug administration; Enteral, Parenteral, and Topical routes of drug administration.

3. If the ordered drug and route is not specified, call the doctor immediately for clarification


5. Right Time


Ensuring that the medication to administer closely to time for therapeutic effect or level.  In Prescription time for drug administration is mentioned in form of medical abbreviations.

Check out here Common Medical Abbreviations list.

1.  Check the frequency of ordered medication

 2.  Double checks, giving the ordered dose at the correct time

 3. Check the order when medication is given and when the last time it was given.

 4. Confirm when the last dose was given


6. Right Documentation


1. Document should be administered after giving the ordered medication. 

2. Never document a drug before administration, always documenting after administration with your signature. 


7. Right to Refuse


1. Client has the right to refuse the medication after explaining the effect.

2. You have the patient consent to administer the medication.


8. Right Education

Nurses have to educate the patient about the prescribed medication.

1. Make sure that the patient understands the importance of taking medicine for the entire prescribed course because many patients who start feeling better after some dose, stop taking the drug.


2. Patient must have knowledge of what drug he/her is taking and what is expected therapeutic and side effect.



9.  Right Assessment

1. Check the Patients history of drug interaction and allergies

2. Check the Needs medication

3. Collect baseline data

 4. Check contraindication 


10. Right Evaluation


1. Review the medication previously given

2. Ongoing observation is required to ensure that patient is receiving medicine regularly.

3. If the Evaluation condition is changed then the planning condition is also changed. 


To know the angles of administration Injection, check out here.



Nurse’s Five Rights for Medication Administration


These are -

1. Right Patient

2. Right Drug

3. Right Dose

4. Right Route

5. Right Time


3 Check’s of Safe Medication Administration


1. First Check


When taking the medication from the client drawer/medication cupboard.

    Verify client name and bed number from medication chart/sheet.


2. Second Check


While preparing the medication -

1. Check the dose as per the order medication sheet

2. Check the composition level of medicine

3.  Check the expiry date of the medicine


3. Third Check

Recheck the label of medication before retiring to its storage place and also check the availability of medication.


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