



Mania is a effective disorders with consistent elevated mood with increased physical and mental activity present in an individual at least for few days or a week.

When mood elevated cheerful, optimistic, easily irritable and becoming violent.

Classification of mania

1. Hypomanic - Stage l

Mild form of mania

2. Acute mania - Stage ll

Sudden onset of mania; toward manic episodes

3. Delirious mania - most severe form of mania.

Severe cloudiness consciousness

4. Delusional mania

More persistant grandiose delusion.

5. Secondary mania

Due to drugs

6. Chronic mania

Loses his euphoria becomes irritable and acquired paranoid like attitude.

7. Dysphoric mania (mixed episode)

Symptoms of depression and mania at the same time.

Classical Triad for Mania

Triad of symptoms is elevated mood, flight of ideas, Increased psychomotor activities

Causes of mania

1. Hereditary mania

2. Chemical disturbance

3. Side effect of medication/ stimulant use/ abuse

4. Highly stressful event

5. Medical illness

6. Antidepressants therapy

7. Psychiatric disorder

8. Neurological condition

9. Physical trauma/ illness

Clinical features of mania

1. Disturbance of mood

2. Disturbance of thinking

3. Disturbance of behaviors

1. Disturbance of mood

Euphoria and overwhelming emotion

Cheerful and sparking

Irritable and labile mood

2. Disturbance of thinking

Flight of ideas

Clang association

Stream of idea is very rapid

Goal keep on changing

Talk forceful with pressure of speech

Attention is distractible

Delusion of grandiose

3. Disturbance of behaviors

Increased psychomotor activity


Altered sleep

Weight loss/gain

Criminal activities

Homicidal tendencies

Alcohol and drug consumption

Sexual assault


Impaired social interaction

Diagnostic criteria of Mania DSM-5

1. A distinct period of abnormally and persistantly elevated, expansive or irritable mood laying at least 1 week.

2. Three or mania of the following symptoms are present during period of mood disturbance and increased energy or activity.

1. Inflated self esteem or grandiosity

2. Decrease need for sleep

3. Pressured speech or more talkative than unusual 

4. Fight of ideas or racing thoughts 

5. Distractibility

6. Psychomotor agitation or increase in goal directed activity.

7. Excessive involvement in pleasurable activities.

3. Severity of mood disturbance causes impairment of social functioning, impaired functioning at work or involves psychotic episode's.

4. Mood change is not due to medical condition or the effects of substance.

Psychodynamics of mania

Due to etiological factor

Person shows denial against underlying disease

Person become confident and self centered

Delusion of grandiosity

Develops feeling of superiority 

High self esteem

Mood elevation increase activity and flight of ideas

Symptoms of Mania

Mania Graph

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