

naming skeletal muscles


Skeletal muscles produce movement by exerting force on tendons, which in turn pull on ones.

When muscle contract, two articulating bone not move equally in response to contraction.

One of bone attach to it remains stationary while other bone moves along with contraction.

Naming skeletal muscles

Muscles are named according to their;




Attachment site/ origin and insertion

Heads or origins

Orientation/ direction of muscle fiber


1. Shape

Muscle are named according to their shape.

a. Trapezius

Trapezoid (diamond-shaped)

b. Deltoid

Triangular or delta shaped

c. Gracilis

Slender (slim) in shape.

d. Serratus

Saw toothed shape

e. Quadratus 

Rectangular in shape 

f. Teres

Round in shape


Diamond shaped

2. Size

Muscles name according to their size.

a. Maximus

Largest muscle; gluteus maximus is largest muscle of buttocks.

b. Minimus

Small muscle; gluteus maximus is smallest muscle of buttocks.

c. Longus

Longest muscle; adductor Longus

d. Brevis

Short muscle; Abductor pollicis brevis

e. Major 

Longer muscle; pectoralis major

f. Minor

Smaller muscle; pectoralis minor

3. Location

Muscle named according to structure near which muscle is found.

1. Frontal

Muscle near frontal bone, frontalis

2. Tibial

Muscle near end of tibia, tibialis anterior.

3. Supraspinatus

Above the spine of scapula.

4. Attachment sites/ origin and insertion

Muscles are named according to site where muscle originates and inserts.

1. Sternocleidomastoid

This muscle originates on sternum and clavical and inserts on mastoid process of temporal bone.

5. Heads or origin

Muscles are named according to number of origin or heads they have.

1. Biceps 

Muscles having 2 origins/heads

2. Triceps

Muscle having 3 origins/heads

3. Quadriceps

Muscles having 4 origins/heads

6. Orientation/Direction of muscle fibers

1. Transversus 

Muscle fibre run prependicular to mid line, transversus.

2. Oblique

Muscle fibers run diagonally to mid line, abdominal external oblique muscle.

3. Rectus 

Muscle fibre run parallel to midline; rectus abdominis.

7. Action or Function

Muscle name refer to principal action of muscle.

1. Flexor

Flexion; bending motion in which angle between two bone is decrease.

Decreases angle at joint. Flexor carpi redialis

2. Extensor

Extension; angle between 2 bone increases.

Increases angle at joint. Extensor digitorum

3. Abductor 

Abduction; moves bone away from midline of body. Abductor pollicis Longus.

4. Adductor

Adduction; moves bone closer to midline of body. Adductor Longus

5. Levator

Produce upward movement. Levator scapulae

6. Depressor

Depression; produces downward movement, depressor labii inferioris.

7. Supinator

Supination; turn palm upward or anteriorly or Superiorly.

8. Pronator

Pronation; turn palm downward or posteriorly pronator teres.

9. Sphincter

Decrease the size of opening, external urethral sphincter

10. Tensor

Makes body part more rigid, located thigh and knee.

11. Rotator

Moves a bone around it longitudinal axis, rotator.

12. Masseter

Chewing muscle.

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