



Uveitis is inflammation of middle layer of eye (uvea, uval tract).

Uvea is made up of iris (colored part of eye), ciliary body (ring of muscle behind iris), choroid (layer of tissue that supports retina).

Types of Uveitis

1. Anterior Uveitis

Inflammation of iris (iritis) or inflammation of iris and ciliary body (iridocyclitis).

2. Intermediate Uveitis

Affecting area just behind ciliary body and part of retina.

3. Posterior Uveitis

Affect back of eye (choroid), where blood vessel supply retina.


1. Mydriatics eye

Atropine or cyclopentolate, dilate pupil; helps to heal, prevent pupil from getting stuck to lens, decrease eye pain.

2. Steroid eye drops

Decrease information of iris.

3. Immunosuppressant

Cyclosporine, azathioprine, methotrexate

4. Steroid tablets or steroid injection 

Prednisolone or steroid injection into eyes.

19. Squint/ Strabismus

Misalignment of two eyes, so that both eyes are not looking in same direction.

Diagnostic Evaluation

1. Retinal exam

2. Standard ophthalmic exam; refractive error

3. Visual acuity

4. A neurological examination


1. Restore vision

2. Straighten the eyes

3. Restore binocular vision

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