Difference between true labour pain and false labour pain.
True labour pain
1. Contraction occur at regular intervals.
2. Contraction increases in duration and intensity.
3. Strong pain/ rediate backward, thighs and lower abdomen.
4. Dilation of cervix
5. Intensity gradually increases
6. Effacement occurs
7. Hardening of uterus
8. Interval between contraction are gradually shorten.
9. Bloody show
10. Bag of water formed
11. Not relieved by enema
12. Formation of upper and lower segment due to descending of presenting part.
Braxton Hicks (False labour pain)
1. Contraction occur at irregular interval.
2. Contraction vary in length and intensity
3. Dull/ irregular pain confined at lower abdomen
4. No dilation of cervix
5. Intensity remains unchanged
6. Effacement not occur
7. No hardening of uterus
8. Cervix may soften, but no change in effacement or dilatation
9. Usually no change
10. No bloody show
11. Bag of water not formed
12. Relieve by emema