Management of Third Stage of Labour
1. Expectant management (traditional method)
2. Active management (preferred)
1. Traditional method
Delivery of baby
Clamp, divide and ligate the cord.
Wait and watch
Catherized bladder (if needed)
Uterus hard and contact
Wait spontaneous Separation of Placenta.
Placenta separated
Wait of spontaneous expulsion with aid of gravity.
I Fails
Assisted Expulsion
Injection oxtocin 5-10units intravenous infusion with RL
Or methergin 0.2mg IM
To examine placenta and membrane
To inspect vulva, vagina, perineum
2. Active management (preferred)
Injection oxtocin 10 units IM or methergin 0.2mg IM within one minute of delivery of baby.
According to WHO within one minute of delivery oxytocin given (IM) to mother.
Produce effective contraction to uterus or methergin 0.2mg IM
Clamp divide and ligate the cord, cut the cord.
Deliver the placenta by controllcord traction after uterine contraction
If placental membrane tear use sponge holding forceps and twisting movement rest membrane delivered.
I Fails
Repeat after 2-3minutes
I Fails
Wait for 10 minutes, repeat the procedure
I Fails
Mannual removal of Placenta
Injection oxtocin 5-10units IV infusion or methergin 0.2mg IM
To examine placenta and membrane
To inspect, vulva, vagina, perineum
Examination of the placental membrane and cord and vulva, vagina and perineum.
1. Examine maternal surface
Cotyledons; absence of cotyledons
2. Chorion and amnion membrane
3. Blood vessels abnormality
4. Placental attachment of umbilical cord
5. Vulva, vagina, perineum inspected; injury repaired
Episiotomy wound sutured.
Clean the area with cotton swab soaked with antiseptic solution.