

Sites for Intramuscular Injection And Complications

Intramuscular Injection


An intramuscular injection is a technique used to deliver medication into a muscle. It is one of the methods for parenteral administration. Intramuscular injection is abbreviated as IM.


Methods for parenteral administration also include –


1. Subcutaneous injection (SC)


Checkout here 4 subcutaneous injection sites for administer SC injection.


2. Intravenous injection (IV)


Read here details on intravenous injection; how to inject IV injection?


3. Intradermal injection (IM)



Angle of IM injections


Intramuscular (IM) injection is given into the muscle at a 90-degree angle.

For IM injections; choose the medical needle that are thicker and longer.

The Gauge needle size 20G or 22 G, 1 inch or 1 and half inch long are usually best.


Know sc injection angle to administer medication by subcutaneous route.


Intramuscular Injection Sites


Intramuscular injections (IM) are often given in the following areas of the body-

1. Deltoid muscle of the arm

2. Vastus lateralis muscle of the thigh

3. Ventrogluteal muscle of the hip

4. Dorsogluteal muscles of the buttocks


1. Deltoid Muscle of the Arm

Deltoid Muscle of the Arm

The deltoid muscle of the arm is the most common site for vaccines. This site is located in your upper arm, just below your shoulder.

To find injection site of the deltoid muscle-

Place your palm of the hand on the shoulder and feel for the acromion process bone at the top of the upper arm. 

From the acromion process below two finger-widths, mark this site to find the deltoid muscle.

Then open out your thumb and use other fingers to form an upside-down V shape. 

There is a triangular muscle. Make sure that the triangular muscle of the arm is cantered in your V shape. The needle should inject in the triangle’s center.


2. Vastus lateralis Muscle of the Thigh


Vastus lateralis Muscle of the Thigh

In infant's thigh muscle;  vastus lateralis muscle is the preferred site for Intermuscular injection.

Vastus lateralis muscle are located on lateral side of the thigh.

To find the site of injection divides the upper thigh into three equal parts; from top to bottom of the thigh.  

Locate the middle of these three sections. 

To inject into the vastus lateralis, the injection should go into the outer top portion of middle section.  

The rectus femoris muscle of the thigh is located in the middle third, at the front of the thigh. It can be used for injection sites for IM injection.


3. Ventrogluteal Muscle of the Hip



Ventrogluteal Muscle of the Hip

The ventrogluteal muscle of the hip is the safest site for adults and children.

Ventrogluteal muscle site used to deliver medication deep into muscles and it not close to any major blood vessels and nerves. 

To find Ventrogluteal muscle: place the heel of your hand on the patient's opposite hip; greater trochanter.


For example,

Place your left hand on the right hip with the thumb pointed toward the belly button.

Make a V-shape the first and second fingers, pointing the index finger towards the iliac crest.

The site of injection is located within V shape in the gluteus medius muscle when the forefinger (index finger) and second finger are spread out.

Injection is given V-formed site; inject the needle into the V-formed site between your index and middle fingers.

 4. Dorsogluteal Muscles of the Buttocks

Dorsogluteal Muscles of the Buttocks

Dorsogluteal muscles of buttocks used for the site of intramuscular injection.

Keep in mind there is a potential risk of injury to the sciatic nerve, so given carefully.


To find the site of injection;-

Divide the buttock into four-quadrant, inject the needle in the center of the upper, outer quadrant. this  site is safe for buttock injection.


Note- Avoid other Quadrants injection in other quadrants may cause injury to the sciatic nerve.


Checkout here what are intradermal injection sites to administer medication?


Special Considerations for IM Injection


The dorsogluteal site should be avoided for IM injections.

If misplaced intramuscular injection site, a needle can hit or injured the sciatic nerve and damage the nerve, the patient may get partial or permanent paralysis of the leg.


Medication Administered Route of IM


Injection such as- Streptomycin, Penicillin G,  etc.

Complications of Intramuscular Injections


These are the potential complications of IM injection-


1. Severe pain at the injection site.

2. Tingling or numbness.

3. Redness, swelling, warmth at site of injection.

4. Potential to injury of the sciatic nerve in gluteal injection and feel immediate burning pain.

5. Potential to injury of the femoral nerve in vastus lateralis injection and feel immediate burning pain.

6. Allergic reactions, such as sign-in difficulty breathing or facial swelling.

7.  Abscess or collection of pus.

8. Tissue necrosis or tissue death.

9. Granuloma or inflammation in the tissue.

10. Muscle fibrosis, or scarring of muscle tissue.

11. Injury to blood vessels and nerves.


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